icariin 60

Horny Goat Weed

60% icariin

icariin 60™ by World A.B.S

The World's Finest Natural Performance Booster

World A.B.S icariin 60 product reviews

4.6/5 Overall Rating

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Icariin 60 Extract Most Effective Sex Drive Booster

Boost Sex Drive

Horny Goat Weed Top Rated ED Remedy

Restore Erectile Function

60% Icariin Extract No.1 Sports Fitness Enhancer

Enhance Performance

Horny Goat Weed Best Bodybuilding Supplement

Gain Muscle Mass


ICARIIN 60™ Horny Goat Weed is our trophy of commitment to sourcing only the most beneficial plant extracts in the world. This powerful supplement was born from our goal to obtain the most effective time-tested '60% icariin strength' Horny Goat Weed extract available — an extract with an enduring reputation for superior quality, fine-tuned to deliver the best results.

Our patience and tenacity came to fruition when back in 2011 we secured a highly coveted contract with a specific European extract producer, known globally for being the very first herbal extract company to bring 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract to the commercial dietary supplement market. Gaining exclusive rights to this award-winning 60% icariin extract enabled us to take what was already indisputably considered the best Horny Goat Weed product on the market and refine it to be even better.

It is with great pride that we bring you the supreme strength ICARIIN 60™ Horny Goat Weed supplement. Whether you are looking for a phenomenal increase in 'Sexual Performance' or an unmatched boost in 'Athletic Performance', this top-rated icariin extract is your Swiss Army Knife, giving you the power to outperform.

How It Works

Nitric Oxide + Free Testosterone = The Ultimate Performance Package

Icariin Boosts Nitric Oxide and Testosterone

Icariin is the key active element within the Epimedium plant species, best known commercially as Horny Goat Weed. The special characteristic of icariin, which sets Horny Goat Weed apart from any other natural extract on the market, is its ability to simultaneously boost the two primary attributes of physical and mental performance. When extracted to high-grade pure strengths, icariin is an exceptionally powerful natural booster of both 'nitric oxide' and ’free testosterone’, proven to revive the successful transmission of 'nitric oxide' around the body, while simultaneously increasing the circulating levels of 'free testosterone'. This synergistic effect (exclusive to icariin from Horny Goat Weed extract) creates a unique and impressive spectrum of health benefits.

What Makes "60%" The Best Strength

Most Effective Percent of Icariin Extract

It wasn’t purely by chance that we selected a Horny Goat Weed extract of the 60 percent icariin strength. With the growing use and popularity of Horny Goat Weed in recent decades, icariin has been given a well-deserved amount of attention in terms of scientific studies and trials. Upon review of the studies and trials that specifically compared the different percentages of icariin purity; it was observed invariably that icariin flavonoids were most consistently stable, and crucially at their most active, when extracted to the 60% purity range (+/- 4%). Once the finished extract purity percentage went above this range, there was a substantial reduction in the bioactive stability of the icariin flavonoids.

The reason for this drop in efficacy is due to the fact that when extracting active components from plant fibers, there is always a limit as to how much of the active components can be separated from their parent constituents, before the natural balance/composition of the fibers changes to such an extent that the desired active components become impaired and as result cannot be officially standardized. It's for this very reason that Horny Goat Weed extract of the 60% icariin purity range (+/- 4%); is both the strongest and most effective that money can buy, providing the maximum possible benefit.

How Can ICARIIN 60™ Capsules Benefit You?

Benefits Of Taking icariin 60

When involved in any form of intense physical activity or mental endurance, being able to maintain peak performance throughout the entire duration of the activity is absolutely essential. Everyone desires the peace of mind that when all energy reserves are required quickly, they are there ready for the taking, available to be utilized efficiently and effectively to the maximum capacity.

Downturns in performance, however, are a very common occurrence for many of us. Whether it be a decrease in sexual capability or a decline in athletic progression, the inability to perform as you once could, is something that is quickly noticed and is highly frustrating. Such downturns in performance can be due to various factors, including; changes in diet, age, lifestyle, environment, and fluctuations within the body's natural hormonal balance. This is when ICARIIN 60™ comes into action, providing you with the best natural toolkit for keeping your performance moving in the right direction.

Key Health Benefits

Sexual Performance Benefits

  • Highly effective treatment for erectile dysfunction/male impotence.
  • Top-rated natural remedy for combating low male sex drive.
  • Treats premature ejaculation in men, increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • A powerful solution for men wanting to improve sperm production.
  • Increases female sexual arousal.
  • Assists women that suffer from low levels of libido.

Athletic Performance Benefits

  • Increases in athletic speed and endurance.
  • Delivers impressive gains in muscle mass, making it highly effective for bodybuilding.
  • Boosts the supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to muscle tissue.
  • Reduces muscle fatigue and speeds up muscle recovery times.
  • Improves both physical and mental stamina.
  • Enhances cognitive function for faster reaction times.

Other Proven Health Benefits

  • Helps to maintain strong bone tissue structure and assists with the healthy repair of damaged bone tissue.
  • Boosts the renewal and durability of cartilage tissue.
  • Assists in combatting the symptoms associated with osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
  • Improves memory function and overall cognitive skills.
  • Supports the management of depression.
  • Reduces inflammatory activity within the heart, and helps to decrease plaque buildup in the body's arteries.
  • Preserves liver health by reducing the damage caused by toxins, safeguarding the immune system.
  • Possesses anti-aging benefits in relation to the heart, healthspan, skin, and mental functions.

Supplement Facts Label

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily.

Amount Per Serving

Active Ingredient(s)AMT

Standardized 60% icariin 900mg *

Epimedium Extract (Horny Goat Weed)

* Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients

Microcrystalline Cellulose Flowing Agent

HPMC Vegetarian Capsule Shell

Guidance Notice:

  • Do not exceed the maximum daily dose.
  • Supplements should not replace a varied diet.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in a cool, dry place.
  • Suitable for vegetarians.

Product Specs

Active Ingredient Standardized 60% icariin strength Horny Goat Weed Extract (Epimedium Plant Extract) — exclusively cultivated in the Mediterranean region of Europe.
Other Ingredients HPMC (Vegetarian Capsule Shell), Microcrystalline Cellulose ('Protection Formula' Flowing Agent)
Capsule Form

HPMC Capsule Material: Product is suitable for consumption by those following a vegetarian-based/vegan-based diet.

World A.B.S 'icariinMAX' Optimum Delivery Capsules: Designed specifically to maximize the efficacy of 60% icariin extract by protecting the active icariin flavonoids from stomach acids; delivering the best possible levels of bioavailability.

Per Container 90 Capsules (1 Month Supply)
Dose Per Capsule 300mg of standardized 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract powder
Daily Dosage For best results, take 3 capsules daily. (Amount Per Serving = 900mg of standardized 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract powder)
Certification View 'Certificate of Analysis' for ICARIIN 60™

User Reviews

  • My only regret with this product is that I didn't find it sooner.

    I've been having major problems in relationships for a while as I couldn't quite 'get it up' when needed. Having taken icariin60 Horny Goat Weed now for 4 weeks, I'm now performing with 100% consistency erections-wise, feeling happier than ever as it's taken a whole heap of anxiety off of my shoulders.

    If you also suffer from this problem then get this product. I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy it a year ago when I first found out about it.

    John Baker

    Buffalo - New York - United States

  • Lost a ton of weight using this dietary supplement

    After a visit to my family doctor recently for my annual 'once over' it was noted to me that I'm becoming a bit of a fat lad i.e. for my age and height I was meant to be around 170lbs but was packing a pretty drastic 200lbs. It's slowly crept up on me. I had convinced myself that t-shirt manufactures were making clothes smaller than in previous years but it was just me getting fat.

    OK, so here's for the silver lining to my chubby cloud. I didn't change my diet as such because I eat really well, I've always made sure to get a wide variety of food groups each day, and so I wasn't going to start eating differently. Instead, I've started walking to and from work and jogging at the weekend. Initially I felt flat out exhasusted by this new exercise routine, that's when I hopped on this icariin 60 extract. I take the capsuels the same time each day.

    Fast foward 6 months, and I'm now at 168lbs, I can't believe it! All my clothes that were getting too small are now too big for me! It's turning into an expensive adventure, as now I'm going to need to completely overhaul my wardrobe with some smaller sizes of clothes haha

    Don't know how this icariin 60 Horny Goat Weed works so good at giving me the energy and mental motivation to do more exercise and burn up my daily calory intake so well, whether it's the increase in nitric oxide, or the free testosterone boost, or that unique combination? Whatever the case, I'm just really pleased at how fast it's helped me cut a significant amount of weight. I've been told numerous times by my friedns and fmaily that I look really healthy compared to 6 months ago. Proper motivating

    Jake Staveley

    Islington - London - United Kingdom

  • Impressive for muscle building

    Using this icariin extract for my weight training. Massively impressed so far, I'm having much better workouts at the gym than ever before due to a significanlty lower occurence of burnout, resulting in some good muscle gain. I hope things continue in this positive direction.

    Thanks for helping me achieve my goals so far.

    Ben. T

    Fitzgerald - Georgia - United States

  • 60% icariin = Testosterone Booster

    I bought this icariin supplement for the sole reason of boosting up both my serum testosterone and my free-testosterone levels. I had my serum T and Free-T tested a year ago and they were both at the very bottom end of normal, which explained my lack of energy and lack of sex drive.

    I have now taken icariin60 Horny Goat Weed for a straight 4 months and then got my serum T and Free-T tested again. My testosterone is up 50% and my Free-T is also up by 43% compared to last year.

    People debate which herbs work for increasing levels of testosterone but there's no debate for me, my blood tests state the facts, this stuff works and it works very well. If you want higher levels of testosterone then 60% icariin is an essential natural solution. Thanks guys, you gave me exactly what I wanted.


    Melbourne - Australia

  • My wife keeps taking my icariin 60!

    I've been taking icariin 60 for quite some time. I tried to keep it a secret from the wife but the top-drawer doesn't live up to that level of secrecy (as I've learned) and so eventually putting my socks away she discovered that I was taking icariin 60 for sexual reasons.

    Anyway the reaction wasn't as bad as I had first thought it would be ~ she initially laughed and cracked some jokes with me, then she started taking it herself!

    Good thing is that she is now also a horny little devil too, bad thing is that my supply gets used up way quicker than before haha

    P.S. please can you print 'For Men Only' on the bottle somewhere in order to save us guys some money from their wives stealing our supply of icariin 60!


    Toronto - Ontario - Canada

  • Best potency there is

    I've learned that messing around with half-baked libido supplements doesn't get you too far, took me a while to learn that lesson too.

    This Horny Goat Weed is the best potency I've had the fortune of trying, 60% icariin is bang on the mark, I needed this badly, my sexual prowess has returned to it's rightful home.


    Kent - United Kingdom

  • Too Exclusive??

    I really like this 60% icariin product, but I'm perplexed as to why I can't buy it at this website along with some of your other supplements bundled into one order, much like when I order a few things from the Apple store wesbite. I always have to buy these dietary supplement products separately from your authorized retailers, which is fine, but then I'm then usually waiting for multiple parcels in the mail, each with different delivery days.

    Exclusivity is good in some ways, but there is such a thing as being too exclusive. With that said, I can't deny that I do love the benefits I get from taking your icariin60 Horny Goat Weed.

    M. Clarke

    Birmingham - Alabama - United States

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100% Natural Horny Goat Weed Supplement

100% Natural

Standardized Horny Goat Weed Extract

Standardized Extract

Pure 60 Percent Icariin Extract

Pure 60% icariin

Non-GMO Icariin Supplement